Sunday, June 07, 2009

Perception of reality - Role of judgement.

The age old question. What is reality ?
Science, Philosophy and Religion have their own perceptions about notions of reality.

It is real since I can feel it. It exists, because all logical and experimental data point to its existence.

Anyway the role of an observer in reality is an amazing subject all together and Quantum mechanics provides some interesting answers.

But for now I am assuming the existence of a separate physical reality. An independent reality that does not depend on observer and I shall call this absolute reality

In this note, we shall take the example of sight.
The experience of an mass, an object as perceived by our sensory organs gives the notion of its existence, its realness.

Experiment conducted in this field show parts of brain light up when asked to focus on a object, or to feel it via our sensory organs for e.g the sight of an object. The same parts of the brain light up when asked to close the eyes and imagine the object.

Hence the question is who sees ? The eyes or the brain ? Is reality what we see with our eyes, or with our brain. You can say, seeing is a combination of information caught via the sensory organ, the eye and the making sense of it via the processing engine the brain, causing the notion of sight and so, reality.

Hence in a way, we can see it as eyes being the lens, but the magnetic tape on which events are stored is at the back of the brain, the part called the visual cortex.

Scientists say the brain gets 4 hundred billion bits of information per second. Out of it, we are aware of about 2000 bits of information. The information is likely filtered, dropped and the bits that reach our 'consciousness' are the bits that most likely to be self serving.

The brain is presented with 4 billion bits of information, about reality (absolute reality) but reality we are aware of is, the limited to the subset that we process (perceived reality).

Brain in absolute terms can see everything the eyes provide. But this deviation of our perceived reality from absolute reality, is ignorance, unawareness.

Subjectivity and judgment play a vital role in perceived reality.

Subjectivity is a part of human consciousness, no two people may have the exact same experience. Beyond a limit no too much we can do about it.

Judgment on the other hand is like a colored lens, and the reality perceived may be long way off the true one due to it. And there is much we can do about it.

Easier said than done though.

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