Sunday, January 23, 2011

Muses from my Teacher

On Religions:

Don't dwell on religions. Learn all of them.
Don't dissect religion and fight trying to be convinced,
Or be skeptical of every practice and belief.
Take what works for you. Leave the rest.
With awareness.

To every person his own religion.
No preaching, no forcing on anyone else.

On Enlightenment:

What is the purpose ?
Conservation of energy.
Save ones energy.
Increasing ones personal power.

All a living organism can do is conserve its energy.
Fate & Effort interplay. Build ones personal power.
Then one can face anything with his personal power.
If something beyond the personal power then leave or let it be.

At every step, every moment, conserve energy. Save it.
Anger, Frustration, anxiety, worry, fear and rest all contribute to energy loss.
Even exercise in a way leads to conservation of energy, since you are servicing the body.
The body performs better with less effort if more fit.

One can renounce everything, material possession, emotional possessions.
Give anything away generously, but be a miser when it comes to personal power or energy.
And path to enlightenment starts with becoming more aware.

Always a pleasure, discussions with him.

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