Sunday, June 18, 2006


I came across this story one day and it made me think. Think hard. As I read the moral of the story, it hit me like a whiplash. Then I just laughed, at my own self, on my problems.

" There lived a little boy in a village far away from the city. The family had just moved there a few months ago. Small village that it was, the little kid had no friends. His dad brought him a pet turtle to play with. Soon the turtle became his best friend and soul mate. The turtle was his playmate and it meant a whole world to him.

One cold morning he noticed that the turtle was not moving. The turtle had his head recoiled in his shell. Whole day passed away but the turtle showed no signs of life. Father thought the unthinkable, maybe it was dead. The boy was devastated and was totally in shambles. Small kid, how can you explain the secrets of life and death?

Father could not bear to see his little boy suffer. So he devised a plan to divert his attention. Father told the son to arrange a big funeral for his turtle. Bring flowers, set up a small stage, make arrangements and invite all the neighbours. C'mon start to work said father. The boy set about in the arrangements totally focused to have the best funeral possible for his turtle.

The boy had worked very hard for the funeral. He was so excited about it. So many people to invite, so many things to do. Come evening and everyone had gathered for the funeral of the little boy's turtle. A small stage was made which was decorated by flowers. The little boy was excited.

Suddenly in the middle of the ceremony the turtle popped his head out! He wasn't dead afer all!
The little boy stopped in his tracks. He looked at all the arrangements done and people gathered. And suddenly the turtle is moving about on the stage. Dismayed he looked at his father and said,
Papa.. " Can we kill it? "

" Do I love you, or is it the joy I get from loving you. "

Think over this and watch your answers change.

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